Saturday, April 4, 2009

Weeks slide past. From drama to quiet to funny to scary to sweet, with many miles driven all over the place. The last couple of weeks saw Awards, politics, Ireland v Wales (hooray), landscapes, a new camera (oh yummy, the new 5d mark2), a lovely wedding in Markree (thanks Noelle & Damon), learning the tricky details of off camera multiple flash, a super, and intense training session on Lightroom with Ciaran Rooney (Photoshop expert and trainer), Ireland V Italy (phew), a biodynamics shoot (thanks Mary), family pics, a really cool model shoot (thanks Jennifer), and Aidan Crotty's "Fallow"exhibition opening in Sligo Yeats Gallery.

Jack Harte and Aidan Crotty. A lovely exhibition of sharply
percieved and meticulously executed work, in the Yeats Gallery Sligo.
Red dots were flyin.

This is from Ross beach looking over at Enniscrone

Messin in the Studio...


Thanks to Noelle and Damon for a lovely relaxed Wedding day.

And next week, I'll be posting from L.A., yess, sunny california... Fun but scary stuff.

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